
Here is my portfolio of projects, where you can see what I am working on and how I approach different kinds of problems.

Data Science Project Lifecycle with CRISP-DM

This project goes over an end-to-end Data Science project lifecycle following CRISP-DM lifecycle framework.

News Classifier with Multinomial Naive Bayes

Project to classify news headlines into categories like weather, politics, sports.

Data Engineering Pipeline for Stocks Data

In this project, I created a Data Pipeline from web scraping TeleCom stocks data and working them through the final dashboard.

Regression Model Car Pricing App

This is a complete Regression Analysis Project to train a Random Forest Regression model to estimate prices of cars in Brazil.

Before and After AB Testing

An easy to follow guide to perform Before versus After Treatment AB tests in Python.

Restaurant Dashboard App with Streamlit

Restaurant Dashboard application written and deployed with Streamlit and Python.

Text Sentiment Analysis App with Shiny and R

The project uses R Language to create a Shiny web application that reads a text and returns the word frequencies, Word Cloud and a graphic with sentiment analysis.

Predicting Results of the FIFA® World Cup 2022

I have created a model to predict the results of the FIFA World Cup games.

CSV to Parquet File Converter Windows .exe

Windows application that converts files from CSV to Parquet format or Parquet to CSV.

Flight Prices scraped, saved to SQLite and Send message via WhatsApp

The project uses R Language to create a Shiny web application that reads a text and returns the word frequencies, Word Cloud and a graphic with sentiment analysis.

I have created a model to predict the results of the FIFA World Cup games.

Windows application that converts files from CSV to Parquet format or Parquet to CSV.